
Are you interested in buying a vehicle?

Confirm the current market related retail price before you buy.

Request confirmation of the vehicle identity through online data and physical microdot check.

Market Valuation

Are you selling your vehicle?

Get the price right! Know the true market value of your vehicle – Get your VehicleFacts report now.

Add value to the deal – visit an inspection hub or Dealership partner for a Certificate of authenticity! Contact us for more details.

Get peace of mind as to the value of your vehicle.

Vehicle Status Check

in 6 easy questions

1. Enter the VIN number to determine wherther the vehicle has been microdotted

What is a VIN number?

A 17 Digit number is located on your licence disk and displayed on multiple positions on the vehicle

2. Has the licence disk expired?

Where is the expiry date of the licence disk?

This is displayed on the lower section of the vehicle's licence disk

3. Does the VIN number on the vehicle match the VIN number on the licence disk?

Where are the vehicles VIN numbers?

Consult the owners manual in the vehicle to find out where the VIN might be. Car manufacturers differ in points of VIN placements. Try record the number from two different areas on the vehicle. Common areas include: Windscreen and, driver side door

4. Are there two working keys?

How to check if keys are working?

Attempt to turn the vehicle on with each key and unlock the vehicles doors.

5. Why are you performing this check?

Why is this important?

The vehicles current ownership status based on why the check is done is relevant to the overall status

6. Is the buyer of the vehicle in possession of an original driving licence?

Why is identification important?

Dealing with a legitimate purchaser and recoding their information can protect you from liability issues in the future of the vehicle

6. Is the seller of the vehicle in possession of an original driving licence?

Why is identification important?

Dealing with a legitimate seller and recoding their information can protect you from liability issues in the future of the vehicle

6. Are you in possession of an original driving licence?

Why is identification important?

Dealing with a legitimate seller and recoding their information can protect you from liability issues in the future of the vehicle

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